Blue Sky Adventures was founded in 2002 by Mike Pardue and today is owned by his son Rob Pardue. The entire family is passionate about Scouting’s High Adventure and has a shared goal to deliver a top quality experience to all those who entrust us with this important part of their trip.
Mike was a 30 year Scouter, former Scoutmaster of a 75 boy Troop, and recipient of many scouting awards including the Silver Beaver. Mike completed three Philmont treks, attended the National Jamboree twice and completely understood the Scouting program and how to make a high adventure trip successful.
Rob is an Eagle Scout, three time Philmont trekker, and former Philmont ranger. Rob graduated from Boston College, obtained an MBA from Duke University, and joined the company in 2005 after a successful career in the financial industry.
Phyllis Pardue is the glue that holds the whole thing together! Phyllis and Mike have five children, all of whom are involved in the business. Oldest daughter Michelle Aucamp runs the Sea Base tours in Florida, and Wendy assists Phyllis in New Mexico. It really is a family tradition!